Digital Citizenship


Presenter: —————–

Date: –/–/2023

Digital Citizenship

Introduction to Digital Citizenship: agenda

01 Participation in digital spaces

02 Digital wellbeing

03 Content creation

01 Participation in digital spaces

Learning objective: You will understand your responsibilities when participating in a digital space

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

Rights and responsibilities in a digital space

People have rights and responsibilities in digital spaces, just as they have in physical spaces. Most social media platforms include policies to inform users of what is or is not allowed: Community guidelines

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

Facebook Community Standards

Instagram Community Guidelines

How to use WhatsApp responsibly

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

Community guidelines: some standards to live by on Meta platforms

  • Follow the law.
  • Respect other members of the community.
  • Don’t publish false, illegal, threatening, intimidating, hateful and racially or ethnically offensive content.
  • If you see something that you think may violate our guidelines, please report it.
  • If you find content you don’t like, but doesn’t violate the Community Guidelines you can unfollow or block the person who posted it.
  • If there is something you don’t like in a comment on one of your posts, you can delete that comment.

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

On WhatsApp

 Private communication by design: use it for one-on-one and small group conversations. Think twice before forwarding! Don’t try to bulk message If a user asks you to stop messaging them, you should refrain from contacting them again. You should get permission from people before you add them to a group. If they remove themselves, please honor that decision. Don’t use contact lists that are not yours. Never share phone numbers without people’s consent or use data obtained from illicit sources (by buying lists of phone numbers for example) to message them on WhatsApp or add them to groups. Note: WhatsApp uses both machine learning technology and reports from users to detect and ban accounts sending unwanted messages.

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

  • Hacking
  • Harassing through a mob or group
  • Impersonating someone
  • Making threats
  • Sharing someone’s personally revealing information (also known as doxing)
  • Sharing someone’s private or intimate photographs (sometimes known as revenge porn or sextortion).
  • Stalking

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

What to do if you or someone you know is experiencing harassment online

  • Identify and document the abuse (save links, audio, text, and take screenshots)
  • Use monitoring tools to block, mute, and report accounts that are bothering you
  • Be proactive about setting up privacy and security measures on your accounts
  • Ask colleagues, family and friends for support
  • Speak out when appropriate
  • Practice self-care: take care of your mental health and well-being. Take breaks from online interactions

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

What kind of content can be reported?

  •  Abuses on Facebook
  • Hacked and fake accounts on Facebook
  • Pornography and child sexual exploitation on Instagram

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

Objectionable content

Objectionable content does not violate platform guidelines, there are other steps you can take to avoid viewing the content.

On Facebook

  • Unfriend or blocking users
  • Make your profile private to limit access to and interactions with your profile
  • Hide, delete, remove tag from or report content

On Instagram (if account set to private)

  • Remove follower or unfollow
  • Approve or deny a follower request
  • Filter out and hide comments

On WhatsApp

  • Block or report contacts

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

harassment online: recap


01. Have you or someone you know ever observed or experienced harassment online? What happened and how did you react?

02. After reviewing this module, would you react any differently?

01 Participation in digital spaces (cont.)

Additional resources to learn more

  • Child Safety PSAs
  • How Does Facebook Measure Fake Accounts? (Facebook)
  • New Technology to Fight Child
  • Exploitation (Facebook)
  • Online Harassment Field Manual (Pen America)
  • Speak Up & Stay Safe(r): A Guide to Protecting Yourself From Online Harassment (Feminist Frequency)

02 Digital wellbeing

Learning objective: You will understand how to create a positive online experience and protect their well-being while online

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Cultivating a positive online experience

Objectionable content does not violate platform guidelines, there are other steps you can take to avoid viewing the content.

You can take an active role in cultivating a positive online experience for yourself and others by doing the following things:

  • Being a responsible community member online
  • Thinking before you act
  • Respecting others

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Be a responsible community member online

  • Be responsible for your interactions online as you are with others in person.
  • Try to always be positive and respectful in your interactions with others to create constructive and safe online communities.
  • Practice empathy online; try to understand another person’s experience or research the other side of a situation or argument.

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Think before you act

Before you post or share anything online, think about how your content will impact your online identity and reputation and those you mention or tag. Think not only about the immediate consequences but also the long-term effects of what you share. Maybe you get into an argument with someone online and want to post inflammatory or negative comments about them but think about what a future employer might think if they see this type of content from you later on.

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Respect others

  • If someone shares something with you in a private messaging, you should not share that info in public.
  • If someone shares content with you, before sharing with others think about how they might interpret that information. They may not interpret it as you did.
  • If you aren’t sure if someone would be comfortable with you sharing their info, ask before posting.
  • Expand your worldview by exploring multiple perspectives; and avoid posting or reposting content without thinking about its impact on others.

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)


  • A troll is someone on the internet who intentionally posts inflammatory messages to start arguments, conflicts, or cause upset to others. Trolls try to disrupt discussion in places like chat rooms, comments sections of articles or websites, discussion boards, or social media posts.
  • If someone else is being negative or a troll,” don’t engage with them.
  • Instead, use the appropriate tools within a platform for reporting inappropriate behavior or content.

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Maintaining wellbeing online

Think about what you do with your screen time and how it can add or subtract value to your life. Use technology to improve your life.

There are many positives to interacting with others online. However, it is important to think about a healthy relationship with social media and other digital tools.

  • Surprised or upset by what you see within a certain app, platform, or device? Consider reducing your engagement with that app or device
  • Manage screen time: use apps to send alerts or restrict access when you have exceeded a daily limit
  • Turn off notifications if you can’t ignore them
  • Avoid using electronic devices right before bedtime. Do offline activities before you go to sleep.
  • Remember that you don’t have to post everything in real-time. Take a few photos, then try to enjoy the moment. You can always post later.

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Digital Wellbeing

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Positive online experience

  •  Unfollow accounts you’re no longer interested in or those that bring you down in some way. Mute people you don’t want to unfollow 
  • Restrict, block and control comments: settings > Comment Controls
  • FOMO: Fear of missing out on the excitements of life What you see on social media, is often a perfected, polished reality with an instant digital makeover.
  • Report bullying
  • Calm down conflict, example, out of control exchange in comments

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Maintaining wellbeing and FOMO: recap


01. Think about what you post on your social media profiles. What information do you leave out and what do you choose to share?

02. What are your reasons for sharing or not sharing?

02 Digital wellbeing (cont.)

Additional resources to learn more

Digital wellbeing and managing screen time

  • Pressure to Be Perfect | Instagram x The Jed Foundation
  • Managing Your Screen Time While Staying Home (AARP)

Online relationships

  • 10 Safety Tips for Online Dating (
  • Online Dating: The Virtues and Downsides (Pew Research Center)
  • Technology and Relationships: The Pros and Cons (Compass by WebMD)

03 Content creation

Learning objective: You will learn how to create and share content appropriately and give credit to other creators when needed

03 Content creation (cont.)

Creating and sharing original content

One way to participate in online communities is by creating your own content and sharing it with others. Just like there are rules for what can and cannot be posted, there are also rules for creating new content.

03 Content creation (cont.)

A note on bias

  • Confirmation bias can influence how we find and evaluate information. It can also influence our own content creation, including what we post and share.
  • If you are creating new content or sharing someone else’s post, think about how others might interpret what you post or share.
  • Also, think about whether the content you are posting reflects an unbiased viewpoint. Consider your content from a variety of perspectives.

03 Content creation (cont.)

bias: recap


Have you ever posted something that others interpreted a different way than you intended? What happened?

03 Content creation (cont.)

Copyright and intellectual property rights

When you participate in digital spaces as a content creator, it is important to follow copyright and intellectual property rights.

03 Content creation (cont.)

Meta Community Standard 23

03 Content creation (cont.)


Copyright is a legal right that “protects original works of authorship,” including the following:

  • Audiovisual works (such as, movies, paintings, photographs, TV shows, podcasts, and videos)
  • Audio works (like music compositions and sound recordings)
  • Literary works (such as articles, books, manuscripts and plays)

A trademark is a design, slogan or symbol that represents a product or service offered by an individual, group or organization (like a brand name or logo). The goal of trademark laws is to make product affiliations clear and reduce confusion among consumers.

03 Content creation (cont.)

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights help individuals, groups or organizations to protect the original brands, products, services and works of art or media that they created or own. Through intellectual property rights, creators and publishers have the right to share their work when and how they choose. They also have the right to control how their work is shared and used by others. Violating intellectual property rights unfairly impacts the individual or organization who created or owns that work. In some cases, it can also result in legal action.

03 Content creation (cont.)

copyright and intellectual property: recap


01. What are the rules and regulations about intellectual property where you live?

02. Why is it important to follow copyright laws and intellectual property rights?

03. When is it inappropriate to share copyrighted or trademarked material? (If you do not have permission to share work protected by intellectual property rights, then do not share!)

03 Content creation (cont.)


A Creative Commons license allows creators to give their work a more free and open license with varying degrees of copyright control. Creative Commons licenses ensure creators get credit for their content and help creators control how their work is used.

03 Content creation (cont.)

Types of Creative Commons licenses

Creative Commons licenses vary but can include the following elements:

  • Attribution: Credit the creator to use, copy or share their content.
  • Non-Commercial: You cannot make a profit from their content.
  • No Derivative Works: You cannot change the content.
  • Share Alike: You can change the content, but your work must also have its own Creative Commons license.

For more information about Creative Commons licenses, visit: Creative Commons’ site.

Digital Citizenship: Self Assesment

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